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CFFI 1.0.1 released

CFFI 1.0.1 final has now been released for CPython! CFFI is a (CPython and PyPy) module to interact with C code from Python.

The main news from CFFI 0.9 is the new way to build extension modules: the "out-of-line" mode, where you have a separate build script. When this script is executed, it produces the extension module. This comes with associated Setuptools support that fixes the headache of distributing your own CFFI-using packages. It also massively cuts down the import times.

Although this is a major new version, it should be fully backward-compatible: existing projects should continue to work, in what is now called the "in-line mode".

The documentation has been reorganized and split into a few pages. For more information about this new "out-of-line" mode, as well as more general information about what CFFI is and how to use it, read the Goals and proceed to the Overview.

Unlike the 1.0 beta 1 version (ffi.dlopen(), instead of only ffi.verify().

PyPy support: PyPy needs integrated support for efficient JITting, so you cannot install a different version of CFFI on top of an existing PyPy. You need to wait for the upcoming PyPy 2.6 to use CFFI 1.0---or get a nightly build.

My thanks again to the PSF (Python Software Foundation) for their financial support!


Bug with the first example "ABI out-of-line": variadic functions (like printf, ending in a "..." argument) crash. Fixed in CFFI 1.0.2.


Unknown wrote on 2015-05-22 17:21:

it's really great!

Unknown wrote on 2015-05-22 23:32:

Awesome! Thanks for this. I think is the best way to make extension modules for cpython and pypy.

Unknown wrote on 2015-05-22 23:33:

Awesome! Thanks for this. I think is the best way to make extension modules for cpython and pypy.